2024 Lincoln Reagan Dinner
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Friday, May 17, 2024
Join us for our 2024 Lincoln Reagan Dinner
featuring President Donald J.Trump.
5:00 PM - General & VIP Reception
6:00 PM - Dinner
*All timing is estimated. Location and further details will be provided to guests prior to the event.
$500 - Dinner Ticket: Single seat and access to the general reception.
$2,500 - VIP Individual Ticket: Single VIP dinner seat and access to the VIP reception.
$5,000 - General Table: 10 Dinner Tickets to the general reception.
$15,000 – State Host table for 10 VIP dinner seats at the general reception (4 VIP Reception passes).
$25,000 - Event Host table for 10 VIP dinner seats at the general reception (4 VIP Reception passes, 1 Photo opportunity with President Trump)
$50,000 - Chairman's Host table for 10 VIP dinner seats at the general reception (10 VIP Reception passes, 1 Photo opportunity with President Trump)
$100,000 - Presidential Host table for 10 VIP dinner seats at the general reception (10 VIP Reception passes, 3 Photo opportunities with President Trump)
If you are purchasing a table, you will be given a code for all your guests to use when registering.
If you are purchasing an individual ticket and would like to sit with a specific person, please register together. Otherwise, please e-mail MJ (mj@mngop.com) and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
For questions or additional information on table sponsorships, please email Jeanette Purcell at Jeanette@purcellconsulting.net
Paid for by the Republican Party of Minnesota. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.mngop.org